Born the daughter of a peasant, her father sold her into slavery at her birth, too many mouths to feed already in his humble home. Raised with the slaver's children, she believed herself to be equal to them, the title "slave" used sparingly and never with bitterness. Her training began in earnest the day after her sixteenth birthday, and would continue as she was added to the slaver's caravan and brought across the map, to be sold half an en var later to Brant Bane.
The slaver has slowly awakened new ideas and sensations, and each day the slave has worried she would be the next one upon the chain to be sold. She serves him with a fervor never shown before, coming to understand that her owner means more to her than others, a feeling at once exciting and frightening. He has said he will perhaps sell her one day, but for now, she is his en safora. |